Make 2011 Your Best Year Yet!

It’s a new year and a special time to design your next 12 months. I’m not talking about resolutions, things to change, rather an opportunity to place your focus on those things you would ideally like to create this year.

It’s fun to list all the wins you have created in the past year. We tend to focus on what we didn’t do and the problems that we faced. When you embrace the wins and celebrate your results you will begin to see more of them! So, sit down with a nice beverage, light a candle and let yourself appreciate this past year.

Here is my five step process.

1. Make a list of everything you accomplished in 2010. What did you do that you might not even remember right now? Did you complete a class? Learn a new skill? Help out a friend? Parent a child?

2. If you faced challenges ask yourself what you learned and how these struggles served you. Challenges can bring awareness and growth when we explore what lessons they hold. Dig a little deeper. Maybe that broken foot helped you slow down and appreciate your health (Yes, I’m talking about me) 🙂

3. Write down everything you are grateful for that you have in your life right now. Loving relationships, a warm comfy home, a great car, amazing health, good food. What do you have that you might be taking for granted?

4. Once you are feeling grateful it’s time to focus on 2011. You can download my Intentional Life Design to help the process.

5. Look at the following areas:

  • Spirituality
  • Personal Growth
  • Partner / Significant Other
  • Family
  • Body / Health
  • Physical Environments
  • Financial
  • Business / Career

Make decision to focus on those specific outcomes for the year. Choose no more than 3 actions in each of the areas of your life.

6. Share your intentions! Let us know what you are creating! You can join our brand new Business Breakthrough Facebook Group to share your wins and intentions by clicking the join button below!

Lets make it an incredible year!