Episode 3: Paving The Path to Speaking Profits with Kristin Thompson

Getting your independent career off the ground (or expanding your existing one) is a challenge that most people listening to this show will face. In today’s episode I bring on Kristin Thompson from Speak – Serve – Grow and Rock Your Talk to share her experience of going from scratch to paid speaker and applauded expert.

Like all entrepreneurs, once Kristin was able to put together her first gig, and get that taste of freedom, the concept of a desk job no longer held its appeal. You’ll hear how Kristin put together her first event, sold tickets and made $3,000 / hr for running her first workshop. She shares her personal growth and how speaking will not only give you the autonomy you’re looking for but also turn you into a better person.

Take Away’s:

  • Why serving an audience, even at the expense of yourself, is critical to your success
  • How to forget about the “How do I look” factor that plagues most beginning speakers
  • What you can expect in the speaking business, and how to conquer it

Tools, Podcasts & Books:

Interview Links:



I’m Patti Keating

Marketing Strategist for purpose driven entrepreneurs.

I specialize in creating high-converting hot offers and curating an audience of buyers for coaches who want to expand their reach and land more dream clients.

I teach my clients to simplify and maximize their profits with simple social media content, and sales strategies that work.

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Also part of the mastermind are in person 3 day retreats twice each year. We come together to strategize and celebrate in gorgeous locations. We will master your promotional plan and sales strategy. You will leave refreshed, energized with your action plan in hand. This experience alone is worth the price of enrollment.