Episode 13: Taking Care of Body and Mind with Cate Stillman

Cate Stillman is the founder of Yoga Healer, an online business that teaches yogis how Ayurveda can enhance their lives. Cate believes that in this age of hyper-stimulation and hyper-connectivity we must not only take care of our bodies, but also our minds.

While practicing Ayurveda and teaching yoga in San Francisco in the early 2000s, Cate took her first online yoga course with Sally Kempton, a famous meditation and yoga teacher.  Shortly after, she realized that if someone else could run a yoga course online, she could do it too… and even improve certain elements of the business model.

In 2007, while pregnant with her baby girl, she taught her first yoga Living Ayurveda course. After receiving some pretty positive responses, she brought her most successful classes to online market; her business grew exponentially.

The biggest obstacle Cate experienced when starting up her business was trying to do everything on her own.  Building a supportive team not only strengthens a business, but it also helps keep a passionate entrepreneur from drowning in the details.

Another setback Cate experienced in her business was not having systems in place for crucial tasks. After hiring an online business manager to be the interface between her and the team, she was able to get back on track and free up more time to do what she really loves.

One of Cate’s most earnest hopes for humanity is they begin to truly feel their connection to every part of nature. Her tagline “Dandelions are the new kale” expresses this desire for people to recognize the nourishment offered, even in what most people consider weeds.


  • Whenever you come across a problem or a vision that seems too big, ask yourself: “How easy can it be?“
  • Learn how to continuously expand yourself and grow as a person.


Tools, Podcasts & Books:


Looking Back:
If Cate could go back in time and change anything, she would trust herself, have more fun, and invest more money on hiring coaches and mentors.

Interview Links:


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I’m Patti Keating

Marketing Strategist for purpose driven entrepreneurs.

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