Episode 7: Reprogramming your Mental Code with Toby Alexander

Toby Alexander believes in helping entrepreneurs reach their full potential.

In today’s episode you’ll discover how Toby transitioned from being a corporate consultant into a Bonafide coach, speaker and author. Toby is an expert in a variety of fields including energy medicine, emotional strategy and peak strategy for optimal performance. He has committed himself to putting his methods of helping people connect to their full potential self into practice.

Toby believes in aligning people’s skills and talents with their soul’s purpose. If you are seeking alignment, you have to listen to this powerful and transformative discussion.

Take Away’s:

  • The obstacles that Toby faced on his path to accepting these philosophies. 
  • How to add or remove the mental programs that will help you succeed. 
  • The power of Ekagrata, and remaining focused on being successful with one thing at a time. 
  • The best advice that Toby has ever received. 

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I’m Patti Keating

Marketing Strategist for purpose driven entrepreneurs.

I specialize in creating high-converting hot offers and curating an audience of buyers for coaches who want to expand their reach and land more dream clients.

I teach my clients to simplify and maximize their profits with simple social media content, and sales strategies that work.

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When you’re ready for high level support, masterful coaching and feedback on your content, promotions and sales, get a limited spot in this exclusive small group. You’ll receive coaching calls with me, daily access in our facebook group and Voxer, unlimited marketing feedback and access to ALL of my programs.

Also part of the mastermind are in person 3 day retreats twice each year. We come together to strategize and celebrate in gorgeous locations. We will master your promotional plan and sales strategy. You will leave refreshed, energized with your action plan in hand. This experience alone is worth the price of enrollment.