Episode 42: Entrepreneurs Who Grew 6+ Figure Businesses With Nancy Juetten
Nancy Juetten is well known as the “go to” expert for helping business owners and emerging experts expand the reach and impact of their messages so they can get known to get paid. Since finding the courage to say “bye-bye” to her former career as a publicist in 2009 and “hello” to a new business built on Get Known-Get Paid expertise, Nancy Juetten has earned thousands of fans while serving happy clients and luminaries around the world. Today she guides aspiring authors and experts to name, claim, and communicate their expertise so premium clients see their value and gladly invest.
Mindset, mechanics and courage – the toughest thing was being unique – adding her “secret sauce” to her systems rather than one-off projects – Learning to speak in front of an audience, learning how to handle technologies, learning to adjust your mindset to think big and charge more was a challenge.
Overcoming Challenges:
She overcame her challenges by kicking and screaming with tears streaming sometimes!
Lessons Learned:
Nancy had to learn to invest in mentors, use on-going training, take imperfect action and to be kind to herself. It really doesn’t matter how much you know, it’s how you’re showing up, how you’re demonstrating and how you’re caring for people and how they can feel comfortable around you and being led by you” – Don’t hide behind perfection.
She has found a way to create a reliable revenue stream by recommending other people’s proven products and programs with her JV VIP Days. She teaches people to be ready to “Rock-Star” JV partners right away!
Nancy refers to the quote “necessity is the mother of invention” by it talking about motherhood being the catalyst to make a shift and exit corporate life and starting her own business.
Nancy enjoying this new stage of life now that she is an empty nester.
Personal Growth:
Surround yourself with those who will bring you higher!
Tools, Podcasts & Books:
The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks
A Short Guide to a Happy Life by Anna Quindlen
Check out the song from “Wicked” called “For Good” on YouTube
Looking Back:
1) Your big success is not defined by yourself imposed limitations; you can do this!
2) Ditch doing everything yourself because it’s false economy
3) Enjoy the Journey
4) Even if I go slow, I can still get to where I want to go.
Interview Links:
- Learn more about Nancy by visiting her at http://authenticvisibility.com/ and http://getknowngetpaid.com/
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I’m Patti Keating
Marketing Strategist for purpose driven entrepreneurs.
I specialize in creating high-converting hot offers and curating an audience of buyers for coaches who want to expand their reach and land more dream clients.
I teach my clients to simplify and maximize their profits with simple social media content, and sales strategies that work.

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