Episode 16: Becoming Unstuck with Remy Chausse

Today, we welcome to the show Remy Chausse. Remy is one of the best “Unstuckologists”, who works with women in becoming unstuck with their lives. She is the creator of the “Get Unstuck Revolution – Extraordinary women with big ass dreams who are ridiculously unsatisfied with status quo…” and best-selling author of Living Life as an Exclamation Point. At one point in her life, Remy realized through research and looking for help for herself, that all women get stuck, but it is her calling to help them to “Find the calling that has been placed on their soul and ignite their own revolution”.  

One day as Remy was out walking in her neighborhood, she realized that she was stuck, stuck being abused by both her pastor (who was also her husband) and her church. In navigating this “spiritual injury”, she realized she was playing small.

Remy started looking for help, researching, talking to therapists, life coaches, you name it, she tried it. She also realized that it doesn’t really matter how you get stuck, people just need the help to get out. This revelation inspired Remy to help others to become unstuck and to realize their true potential.

Remy experienced three huge challenges that she had to overcome. She feels they add up to these three important life lessons:

  • You only need one next step, while some days you are going to take multiple, every day you have to take at least one.
  • You must believe in yourself and in your dreams. There will come a day when you will find your calling, and once you do, you cannot dream too large or dare too much! You just have to believe in that dream.
  • You always know what’s right for you, you just must make the decision to nurture yourself instead of always nurturing others. 


Today, Remy is very excited about her Get UNstuck Expert Café. In the past, when even Remy herself had gotten stuck, she needed more than one person, one expert’s perspective. With Get UNstuck Expert Café, she has brought in multiple experts to give their perspectives on how to get unstuck.

Learn how to protect your energy. If you are in a relationship, business, personal, or a friendship, if that person drains your energy, it is time to start protecting it. This is your only true natural resource.

Tools, Podcasts & Books:


Looking Back:
Looking back, Remy wishes two things: for her business younger self, she wishes that she had started right away with building her email list early! She also feels that because her confidence had been at an all-time low, she waited and built her foundation first. For her personal younger self, she wishes she hadn’t wasted so much time on toxic relationships. Remy knows that even though everyone that comes into your life is there to teach a lesson, she wishes that we could just do without the toxicity of those relationships!

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I’m Patti Keating

Marketing Strategist for purpose driven entrepreneurs.

I specialize in creating high-converting hot offers and curating an audience of buyers for coaches who want to expand their reach and land more dream clients.

I teach my clients to simplify and maximize their profits with simple social media content, and sales strategies that work.

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