Episode 46: Entrepreneurs Who Grew 6+ Figure Businesses With Tristan Truscott

Tristan Truscott is the co-founder and owner of the Satori Method. As a young man Tristan Truscott became involved in the Martial Arts where he began his study of the mind-body-spirit connection. After many years of dedicated training Tristan was granted the coveted level of Black Belt and went on to build a thriving Martial Arts Academy that has generated millions of dollars.

For the past 10 years he has focused his energy on mastering the art of online “freedom-based” business. For Tristan freedom is a word that points to time-freedom, money-freedom and spiritual freedom. One of his greatest joys is coaching entrepreneurs to have more of all three by managing their daily energy, mastering their marketing, and merging their business practice with their spiritual practice.

In addition to coaching purpose-driven entrepreneurs on growing their business (with online marketing) Tristan also runs his online Health and Wellness company: the Satori Method Academy, alongside his beautiful wife Sabrina Truscott.

He always had an entrepreneurial bug in him. As as a young person, he had a car-detail business with his best friend which did really well, but he wanted to continue and do more. Since he had a deep love for martial arts, he picked up and moved and opened his first martial arts studio in Austin, Texas.

While teaching and running his martial arts school for years, Tristan was forced to end his martial arts career, due to a crippling back injury. Even after five years of intense pain and an unsuccessful surgery, Tristan pushed onwards seeking a solution to his crisis.  He finally had a healing breakthrough that helped him reclaim his health and he begin teaching again.

Overcoming Challenges:
Tristan discovered that the focus of the mind when unified with the energy of the body is the greatest transforming power we have, if developed correctly. He found the practice of Qigong the way to get himself out of chronic pain and shift his focus to giving back and helping people.

Tristan learned many lessons along the process. The first and biggest lesson was to ask for help. The second thing he learned was that life lessons will come whether you are looking for them or not. It just presents itself to you in a different way, and it’s up to you to recognize the direction you need to take.

Tristan is passionate about the powers of the internet for entrepreneurs. It gives them the ability to serve others on a grander scale than ever before. He’s excited to use the internet to reach more people and combine that with your purpose driven business. He also loves being able to teach people what he is so knowledgeable about.

His vision for the next few years is to help people spread the word about personal growth, personal transformations and spiritual growth and to play at a bigger level.

Map out your journey. Really know who you want to serve and find them, and then meet them where they are at and serve!

Personal Growth:
Tristan has found that there is a congruency in both his business life and spiritual life, and that by being one in the same, he is in a place of harmony.

Tools, Podcasts & Books:
Use 2 internet browsers; one for online apps and the other for regular web browsing.

Looking Back:
He would encourage his younger self to go inside and listen to your inner self and your intuition. Look for great teachers and mentors and see the results from the student that follow those mentors.

Interview Links:
Learn more about Tristan Truscott by visiting www.satorimethod.com



I’m Patti Keating

Marketing Strategist for purpose driven entrepreneurs.

I specialize in creating high-converting hot offers and curating an audience of buyers for coaches who want to expand their reach and land more dream clients.

I teach my clients to simplify and maximize their profits with simple social media content, and sales strategies that work.

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