Guest Post by Rae Majors-Wildman
The best and most effective way to build your tribe of raving followers is by hosting your very OWN event. This event could be offline or online however you will find that you will have greater results by hosting a LIVE event.
The question you are probably asking is how long should the event be? For instance, should you have a 3 hour workshop, 1 day event or multi-day event? The answer really depends on a couple of factors, the number one being your tribe. Does your tribe like to attend events? And if so, what type? I know it may seem simple however it is not about re-inventing the wheel. It is about you meeting your peeps where they are. It makes no sense to have a multi-day event during the weekend if your target audience is moms of small children. This means that in order to determine how long your event should be you must do your research.
However, before you even decide on how long you need to know what are the top four reasons for hosting your own event?
They are the following:
1) Brand Positioning
2) List Building
3) Generating New Clients
4) Increasing Your Bottom Line/Revenue
Before you step into the role of producer, promoter or event host, the first thing you want to do is decide why you are hosting this event. What are your goals, objectives and outcomes you are hoping and desiring to reach? It is from this space of clarity that everything else is built on.