Do you realize the power that you have within you every moment? Quantum physicists state “Everything is energy”. Scientists have proven this important fact. This means that the things we perceive to be solid, like the chair you are sitting on, or the car you drive—are actually at the quantum level, simply impulses of energy and information.
Many people do not take the time to explore their dreams and visions. When I ask people what they want, most people tell me what they don’t want, and downplay what they do want. It’s as if their dreams are an after thought, something to be dealt with after the bills are paid and the laundry is done. Your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions are all forms of energy. What you think, feel, say, and do in each moment comes back to you to create your unique reality.
The impact of higher energies on lower energies can be measured. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones. They have a more powerful vibration than the lower energies. Every thought you have creates energy that will either strengthen or weaken you. When you eliminate the thoughts that weaken you, and focus on the thoughts that strengthen you, your world will change.
The higher your energy, the more capable you are to transform lower energies. High-energy people have an immediate impact on everything and everyone around them.
You and I have both experienced an energetic shift when someone walks in the room. Do you notice that vivacious and happy people raise your energy? What do you observe about negative, complaining types? You know them. They are energy drainers. They walk in the room and you feel heavy and tired. The same is true inside of you, when you allow high-energy thoughts into your awareness you impact your experience for the better. You raise your vibration. When you allow negative thoughts to become your focus, you lose energy. You lower your vibration. Become aware of your energy level and the level of your thoughts. Raise your vibration and increase your ability to create what you desire.
Because your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions create the world around you, within you exists the power to live a life of peace, harmony, and abundance. In order to do this it is essential that you learn to control your thoughts and emotions.
Our universe is a very orderly system. It is operating within a specific and defined set of rules or Laws. These Laws govern you, as part of this system.
When you learn to observe and work with these Laws you will understand the creative process and become a master at directing your life. Seven Universal Laws To Accelerate Your Success will explain seven of the Laws and help you apply their use into your life immediately. Once you work with each law individually you will notice that there is a beautiful dance occurring among them and you will begin to use all seven as one. Click here to get your free copy.